Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cause I'm back in black, literally!

My wonderful husband got me a new pair of black nikes! I love them :) 

So today was the beginning of my weight loss journey! 

Starting weight: 133lbs
Goal weight: 115lbs 
Pounds to lose: 18lbs
Time to do it in: 109 days

That is about about 15 weeks, I can safely and healthy lose up to 2lbs a week, so this is a very obtainable goal. 

My first day back looked a little like this:
High impact cardio and weight training 
Ab Ripper X from P90X
One mile night run

One serving of oatmeal and 8oz glass of skim milk.

Morning snack: Banana, 8oz of water.

Lunch: Two BLT's on wheat bread, 16oz of water

Afternoon snack: Apple & Cheese, 8oz of water

Dinner: Grilled chicken, brown rice, green beans, 16oz of water. 

So far my workout plan is going to be Mon-Fri with Sat and Sun being rest days unit l can build my stamina back up, but as first days go, I feeling really good! A little sore but that is to be expected :) 

Also starting in April I'm going to begin training for the Columbus 10K in June, depending on how that goes I may attempt the Columbus half marathon in October. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Better Yates then never, right?

So a lot has been going on! For starters I had my wonderful baby boy on December 29, 2011 5lbs 3oz 17 inches long! 

My water broke in the middle of me doing absolutely nothing! Since then we have been settling in to being a family of four and I've been anxiously waiting until I can start working out again! I lost 20lbs just coming home from the hospital which leaves me with 15lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm currently breast feeding so that should help some of those pounds come off without doing much :) 

My wonderful most amazing bestest friend MandyCakes is getting married May 19th! So that is my count down to be back in shape by, my bridesmaids dress is hanging in my closet and it's a constant thin-speration to me! I'm waiting until February 1st to start seriously working out again, I've gone on a few walks and one run since giving birth, but I haven't done anything to extreme. 

Here's me two weeks postpartum, feeling good and ready to get healthy. 


I'll be back February 1st when I'll start updating regularly! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A little story about determination.

So I have two stories I want to share with you, I'll post the first now and the second sometime later this week. 

A couple years ago, I was sitting in my room and heard the phone ring. I ran downstairs to check who it was, the caller ID flashed a number I didn't recognize and ignored it. A few minutes later the phone rang again, same number and being any normal teenager, I kept ignoring it, thinking it was some crazy tele-marketer.  After about the fifth time I answered it "Hello?!" I was surprised to hear my dad on the other end "Hayl's, it's dad, I'm at the hospital, I'm ok but there was an accident, I'm at mount carmel, tell your mom to call as soon as she gets home" Of course being the daddy's girl that I am, I immediately started crying. My brother heard me and came down the stairs, I told him and he started to cry as well. My mom finally came home and she rushed to get a hold of my dad. She talked to him and we learned what happened "Your fathers foot has been crushed, they are worried they may have to amputate it" Jordan and I stood their stunned. Anyone who knows my dad knows how active he is, how hard he works, how much he loves to fish, hunt and every other outside activity you could think of. We had to wait for my uncle to take us to the hospital since none of us knew how to drive my fathers stick-shift truck. When we finally made it, I was terrified. I was so scared that my dad was going to lose his foot, but when I saw him lying in the hospital bed the first thing he did was smile at me. I couldn't believe how much of a positive attitude he had, even when the word "amputation" was hanging around so closely. 

The doctor came in and began to explain to us that the next 24hrs were critical and if infection began to spread then they would have to take the foot, the problem was that the bones hadn't just been broken, they had been crushed, they would have to place metal rods in to replace bone. That even if he kept his foot (which wasn't looking good) that he would have to go through months of rehab to be able to walk, that if he was able to walk that he would have a major limp, that he would need a cane to walk and that running or any extreme sport would be out of the question. 

My dad simply said "No"

"I will not lose my foot"
"I will not walk with a limp"
"I will not walk with a cane"
"I will run"

Well, let me tell you, not only did my dad accomplish all of those things, but after months of being stuck in our living room (which was sort of entertaining because the contraptions my dad came up with, one of them being a legit blow dart gun, were awesome lol) but since then, he has run miles and miles and miles and miles. 

Never underestimate the power of determination and having a positive attitude. My dad could have wallowed in self pity, could have simply accepted what the doctors told him and given up all hope but he didn't. He refused to give up without a fight. I'll always be proud of the man he is and many times when I have been training I've thought to myself "Come on, dad runs ten miles a day, and he only has one normal foot!" You see, feet are kind of important when you do running. 

 My father and I running together. 
 I love you daddy. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Heels & shoes are all kinds of sexy!

So I always get complimented on my shoes, I have a large variety and I'm some what of a shoe-aholic, so I thought I might share some of my favorite pairs! (Yes I still have been wearing these at 6 1/2 months pregnant, people call me crazy but you must remember I'm only 4'11, if I don't wear heels you wouldn't even be able to see me!) 

Amazing VS tan heels my husband got me
for my birthday.

    Barbie is jealous of these shoes.
  Why yes, I did walk through a 
field of sparkles to get these shoes.

Sssssuper ssssasssy sssnake sssskin heelsss.

  Light pink sparkle heels go with everything.

   Not only are these heels fierce, 
they can also be used as a weapon! 
How handy!

    Zebra print sparkle heels 
make me feel wild *rawr*

   Hmm I'm seeing a pattern here, 
I guess I want my shoes to
    sparkle just like me :) 
Gold slingback sparkle heels.

Hot pink sparkle converse, these were so much fun to wear 
at my big brothers wedding!

So I end this with my most favorite pair!
Hot Pink Nike Free Run shoes.
Ran my first 5K in these babies, can't wait
to hit the pavement hard with them again once Brady is here.

So this barely skims the surface of my closet and I still want more! You can always tell what kind of mood I'm in depending on the shoes I'm wearing. Seriously if you are feeling down just go out and by yourself a pair of amazing shoes, I promise you will feel 100x more awesome! You'll be surprised to know that the most expensive pair I showed here were the Nike's followed closely by the tan. You just have to wait for the right deals! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nothing wrong with a lil shopping cardio ;)

So anyone that knows me knows I'm addicted to Nike, not only do I think they make wonderful products but their t-shirts are absolutely hilarious! Anyone looking into buying work-out clothes or shoes should head over to finishline to fulfill all your needs! Plus with every $200 you spend you get $20 back (if you join the points program they offer totally free) which it isn't hard to spend that much when you need a good pair of running shoes and cute clothes to run in lol I recently got this super cute shirt and sweat pants (both on sale! go me!) Can't wait to rock them once little Brady is here (only 100 days to go woowho!) I'm still running but no where close to what I was doing, it's more of a walk/run now. I've only gained 15lbs so far this pregnancy and I'm 26 weeks on Monday (it's like I gained a bunch at first but now it's just stopped...fine by me!) but I seriously can't wait to loose the weight and get back to my normal work-out!! Anyway hope everyone is having a great weekend! Have a blessed day!

Front of the shirt says "You don't know me" 
Back says "but you will"
The pants roll up to the knee :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wish this was me right now!

Just had to share this amazing story, she ran a marathon and then gave birth to a healthy baby girl! We need more women like this showing other women that it is possible and healthy to excursive during pregnancy!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm like a bottle of wine, I get better with age :)

So my original plans for my B-day? Hanging out at home by myself, alone, by myself, all alone.....luckily that didn't happen lol Thanks to my wonderful sissy in-law and mother in-law I had a lovely afternoon filled with food and much needed pampering! I always like to reflect on my birthday and think back on some of the amazing things I've been able to do, so here is some of it (this could be ten pages longer but I don't have the time to write it all lol) 

I've dangled my legs over the Grand Canyon and watched the sunset over it, I've stood before Mount Rushmore and seen the beautiful trees of the Red Wood Forest, I've hiked through the mountains of New Mexico, I've milked cows, fed chickens and rode a horse through a desert, I've ridden on trains, steamboats and flown in planes, I've been white water rafting through rapids and then floated aimlessly down the same river, I've seen Niagara falls more times then I can count and have seen old faithful be faithful, I've stood in four states at once and been to beaches East and West of this nation. I've experienced Disney World, Disney Land, Universal Studios and every theme park between here and their, I've eaten over a camp fire and fish my dad caught from a lake, I've outrun a tornado in tornado alley, I've inner tubbed down the mountains in Vermont and caught lizards in Puerto Rico, I married my best friend and carried a child within my body, I have made new friends and gained more family. I am beyond blessed in the life that I live, thank you everyone who is apart of it and have made it special.

In a nut shell, I've done a lot and I'm beyond thankful for it. I owe it all to my parents and the love they have for traveling. I can only hope that as an adult I'll be able to share some of that with my own kids and maybe go some places outside of this continent :)

Have a blessed night everyone!